when you crave 'wtf do i even want from my biz?' guidance

Get A Fast AF Playbook to Dig Out your MVP And Move Your pivot Ahead Instead

Unfuck your Biz Model Reboot In 5 Questions and Set Your Minimum Viable Plan In Place So You Can Goal-Get What Matters Most Without The 'Quick to Start But Stalled Out' Milestone Graveyard

Wait, what’s that now?

→ Drop your deets to grab my ND-crafted pivot possible MVP mindmap workbook
→ Not your typical so-complicated-only-a-strategist-can-USE-iT here; just the beautifully basic book my clients and I fill out to plan our next big biz adventure
→ Peep the ‘VOX POWER 60’ while you’re there if your PLAN’S a CHAOTIC CLUSTERFUCK, cuz it’s kind of a sweet deal ; ) 
My MVP Mindmap is normally 22 smackers, but you seem like me kind, so hop in, this one’s on me…

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